
CMS middle school teacher beaten while breaking up fight, sources say


CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Sources tell Channel 9 a Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools teacher was beaten and bruised after trying to break up a fight at a local middle school.

According to the source, a physical education teacher was trying to break up a fight between two students at Carmel Middle School on Friday.

Our sources said during the fight, the teacher was reportedly attacked by a 7th grader and received a black eye and concussion.

Channel 9's Education Reporter Elsa Gillis reached out to the district about what happened. They said any student who has violated the CMS Code of Conduct can receive disciplinary action.

They did not confirm this specific incident, saying they are "unable to provide any information regarding student punishment or involvement in activity that may lead to disciplinary action," citing privacy laws.

A CMS representative said teachers are not required to intervene in student altercations and can call for trained staff and always move other students during an altercation until staff gets there.

Channel 9 has covered this problem before.

The most recent data from the Department of Public Instruction shows in 2016 to 2017, there were 311 assaults on school personnel at Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools.

During that time period, only two happened at Carmel Middle School.

Outside of the school, parents said they were saddened to hear about the fight. They said they love the school, but are disturbed about what happened to the teacher and for the students who feel fighting is the answer.

"That's scary. This is kind of a junior school, it's not supposed to be all that aggression," one parent said.

"First of all, really sad that kids feel like the only they have to do is fight, and also very scared for the teachers and other students around that have to witness these kind of things," another parent said.

CMS said no medical assistance was requested at the school Friday.

Sources said the teacher has not returned to school and is still recovering and seeing doctors and that a note will be going out to parents about what happened.

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