
CMPD looking for woman who told Wendy's workers she was kidnapped


CHARLOTTE, N.C. — The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department is investigating a possible kidnapping in west Charlotte that was reported just after midnight Friday.

Detectives responded around 12:20 a.m. to the Wendy's on Boyer Street near the Charlotte Douglas International Airport. Workers there told them that two women in a car had ordered food in the drive-thru.

The passenger then asked for help and said she had been kidnapped.

The suspect, who was the driver, was described as a black woman, 25-30 years old, with hair in a braided bun, wearing glasses, a small nose ring and a flower tattoo on one shoulder. She was wearing a red tube top.

The woman who said she had been kidnapped was described as a black woman, 40-60 years old.

Officials are looking for the vehicle they were in, a forest green Honda with a sunroof, rear spoiler, and temporary tags.

If you have seen this car or know who drives it, contact CMPD at 704-432-TIPS.

Check back with updates on this ongoing investigation.