
Charlotte taqueria Que Fresa on Yelp list of hot Latinx-owned restaurants

Que Fresa Taqueria + Bar (Charlotte Business Journal)

CHARLOTTE — Another Charlotte restaurant has earned a nod from Yelp.

Que Fresa Taqueria + Bar landed at No. 19 on the rating and review platform’s recent list of “25 Hot & New Latinx-Owned Restaurants Just Waiting to Be Discovered.” That restaurant, at 1500 W. Morehead St. in the Wesley Heights neighborhood just west of uptown, made its debut in October 2022.

It’s the latest venture by restaurateur Manny Flores, who’s also behind Que Onda Tacos + Tequila with five locations around town. Flores told CBJ last fall that he expects to open additional locations of Que Fresa, too — perhaps as many as 10 over the next several years.

Keep reading here.

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