
CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Drivers go around railroad crossing arms in Waxhaw


WAXHAW, N.C. — Hailey Parker said she was driving on North Church Street Monday when she saw stop arms go down and drivers at the railroad crossing go around them.

"Out of nowhere, people started coming from this light, and just instantly going across the tracks. And, I was mind blown, it was like several people, back-to-back, like I would say between five to seven people, and I started recording," Parker said.

Parker managed to capture one of those cars on her cell phone.

"It's just such a little town and a lot of traffic, but to risk your life for five minutes is crazy for me," Parker said.

That's how long Parker said she waited on North Church Street until the arms went up. She said she never saw a train go by, and she believes it could have been a malfunction.

Still, she said what she witnessed is not OK.

Others, including Elizabeth Climber, agree.

"I think people get a little frustrated when the arms come down, and they don't see a train, so they think it's completely okay to move around the arms, but you just never ever know what's going to happen," Climber said.

Climber owns a business across the tracks. She said 17 trains roll through downtown Waxhaw every 24 hours, and there's no telling when.

On Tuesday, Channel 9 witnessed a driver speeding up over the tracks before the stop arm completely went down. Seconds later, a train rapidly flew by. Some drivers said it can be hard to tell if a train is coming or not.

"Sometimes the arms come down and there are no trains coming because they do have trucks that work on the tracks, and sometimes the arms are malfunctioning," driver Christopher Massey said.

Waxhaw Police said they have seen the video.

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