Carolina Strong: Local blood donor encourages others to give

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CHARLOTTE — The season of giving is here. However, there is one type of giving that doesn’t happen nearly enough: donating blood.

It is estimated that at any particular moment, 62% of the United States population is eligible to donate blood, but only 3% actually do.

Channel 9′s Erika Jackson spoke with one man who said he does his part and then some.

Eugene Inozemcev said he regularly visits a local Red Cross blood donation center. He said it’s something he does often and has been doing for a long time.

“Over the past 15 years, I’ve donated about 73 times,” Inozemcev said. “We’re all connected, and it’s such an easy way to give back.”

Inozemcev’s dedication to giving back has saved hundreds of lives.

“People are constantly going into the hospital, needing surgeries, fighting cancer, sickle cell, having, you know, accidents, or having wonderful things like babies. But the need for blood and blood products is constant, and we can only get it from individuals who are willing to give,” said Angela Powley with the Red Cross.

Now Inozemcev is taking his giving to a different level by donating platelets. He said that benefits those facing major surgery, blood disorders, cancer, and other serious illnesses.

And while the process takes a little bit longer, he said he doesn’t mind.

“They can get up to three units of products and plasma, so you can potentially help four people at a time,” Inozemcev said.

>> Inozemcev debunks the many reasons people give for not donating, in the video at the top of the page.

Every day, there are people across the Carolinas doing extraordinary things. They’re giving back, they’re helping each other, and they’re making a real difference. We’re highlighting the best in our community in our series, Carolina Strong.

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VIDEO: Carolina Strong: Nurses gift rubber ducks to chemotherapy patients

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