
Bill filed would make it easier to buy and carry a concealed gun in North Carolina


RALEIGH — A bill that would make it easier to get a gun was introduced Thursday to the North Carolina General Assembly.

House Bill 189 reads, “an act to protect a person’s right to carry a concealed handgun without a permit and to continue allowing persons to acquire a concealed handgun permit.”

Not everyone qualifies, including those indicted for a felony, anyone convicted of a felony, fugitives, and anyone addicted to illegal drugs.

For those who do qualify, the minimum age is 18, according to the bill.

Rep. Keith Kidwell, R- Beaufort, Dare, Hyde, Pamlico, is the House deputy majority whip and introduced the bill, which is called the North Carolina Constitutional Act.

Parent Porsche Mack opposes the measure.

“I have a 6-year-old son,” Mack said. “There have been a lot of school shootings, so you guys know what’s happening out there. So that makes me feel it’s easy for people to get a gun and walk into a school.”

Channel 9 reached out to Kidwell for a comment and is waiting to hear back from the state representative.

The bill was only introduced to the General Assembly. It still must go through a committee and the rest of the legislative process.

Sheriff McFadden responds to lawsuit over waiting times for concealed handgun permits