
App State freshman shocked after winning ESPN College GameDay poster contest

BOONE, N.C. — Appalachian State University freshman Zackary Carr won a free year of tuition for his poster at ESPN College GameDay in Boone last weekend.

The student heard his name announced on national TV.

“You don’t ever think you’re going to win something like a contest this big,” Carr said. “And the lady came and got me and was like, ‘Hey, you’re a finalist.’ I was like, ‘Oh, this is really gonna happen. This is crazy.’”

Carr’s poster was chosen from hundreds that were made by students across campus last week.

Carr said that he, his family and friends brainstormed the idea. The poster highlights one of App State’s biggest victories against Texas A&M and the $1.5 million that the university paid to play App State on Saturday only to lose, 17-14.

“I’m going to leave it hanging up,” Carr said. “This is a memory forever. I’m going to hold on to it as long as I can.”

Two runners-up were also given free tuition.

VIDEO: ESPN’s College GameDay visits App State for 1st time this weekend

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