
Investigators say someone set fire to east Charlotte home where family escaped


CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Charlotte Fire Department officials said someone set the fire that ripped through a family's home early Friday morning in east Charlotte.

Channel 9 learned four adults and six children were inside when a fire broke out just after 3 a.m. at a home on Falconbridge Road off Albemarle Road.

According to officials, the fire burned through the roof, stairwell and second floor of the home.

A 14-year-old girl told Gillis she was asleep when she heard her brother yell, "fire." She said she was able to jump out of a window as her family members also rushed to escape the flames.

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"The fire was just going and going and going," she said.

Although everyone made it out safely, the family said they lost their cat and crews are still searching for their dog under the collapsed roof.

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"My sister had to push my other sister down the stairs just so we could all get out," said the girl. "I had to jump out the window on my face and I landed on my face and I got stuff on my legs and stuff and I asked them where my cat was at and they told me my cat was gone."

She broke down while speaking with Channel 9's Elsa Gillis.

Fire officials said the roof caved in, and by the time they arrived the fire was on the first and second floors.

Channel 9 was there as firefighters sprayed the bright orange flames from above.

Fire officials have deemed the home a total loss and the flames caused $151,000 in damage.

The State Bureau of Investigation and an acellerant-sniffing dog arrived at the scene around 8 a.m.

Friday afternoon, fire officials said they determined the flames were caused by an incendiary.

The Red Cross was at the home Friday morning for a couple of hours helping the family. Family members said they’ll be staying with relatives.

This is an ongoing investigation. Check back with wsoctv.com for updates.