
#GivingTuesdayCLT: A party for nonprofits


CHARLOTTE, N.C. — A party for nonprofits -- that's how organizers describe the fourth annual #GivingTuesdayCLT.

The event is organized by Share Charlotte, which is a group that highlights nearly 400 local nonprofits.

Fresh off Black Friday and Cyber Monday, the event is a celebration of the global Giving Tuesday movement.

The plan is to help nonprofits create strategies to amplify their needs and connect with other nonprofits to collaborate instead of compete.

[RELATED: How to avoid donation scams during 'Giving Tuesday', holiday season]

One of the participating nonprofits is Para Guide, founded in 2017 by triathletes Paul Harrold and Shannon Houlihan.

"We're just part of the group here that wants to see good happen in Charlotte," Houlihan said.

Para Guide helps visually impaired and blind people run, bike and swim.

"We maxed out some credit cards to get this thing started," Harrold added.

The group is made up of 40 athletes and more than 200 volunteers.

15 trainers work with every athlete to help them reach their goals, whether that's running marathons or biking.

[DONATE: Give money, give time or give goods to Charlotte nonprofits] 

During this year's Giving Tuesday, Para Guide is working to raise $2,000 to pay for 50 race registrations and other necessities.

"The money is used for clinics, coaching, travel and gear," Houlihan said.

In the end, the pair said it's all about recruiting and serving people in our community.

"Not only do we get monetary donations, but we get good people. And Charlotte is full of good people," she said.