
Casey Parsons' sister: 'I want her to go away for life'


WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. — Casey Parsons' family members call her guilty plea to a federal judge a bittersweet moment.

Casey Parsons pleaded guilty to 15 counts of federal fraud and identity theft Wednesday morning in Winston-Salem, in exchange for prosecutors dropping more than 60 other counts after her indictment in July.

Read more: Adoptive parents of Erica Parsons arrested on federal fraud charges

Casey and her husband Sandy Parsons have faced scrutiny by investigators for 14 months since their adopted daughter Erica was first reported missing in July 2013.

"I was elated because I never heard Casey, in her whole entire life, admit to doing anything wrong," Casey's sister Tammy Gray told Channel 9 Tuesday afternoon.

Gray said she believed Casey Parsons would try to fight the charges in federal court at trial, which was slated to start on Oct. 14.

Sandy Parsons' future remains unclear, as his trial is still pending.

"I do think it's justice, but at the same time, it's sad," Gray said.

Gray said she hoped that as part of the plea deal with prosecutors, Casey would be required to provide more information to investigators regarding Erica's whereabouts.

"I want her to go away for life, where she can never manipulate anyone or hurt anyone ever again," Gray said.

Casey will remain free on bond until her sentencing on Feb. 10, 2015.

Read past stories on the Parsons: