Rental, Mortgage & Utility Assistance
Community Link
Community Link helps homeless individuals and families find and keep rental housing and offers assistance to homeowners facing foreclosure. It also provides permanent supportive housing for individuals and families who are chronically homeless and have a disability.
704-943-9490 or 1-(800)-977-1969
Click here for more information.
Monroe Housing Authority
Section 8 Housing offers vouchers for rental assistance. Counseling on rentals and relocation is provided. The recipient may be allowed to pay 40% of their monthly expenses on rent and utilities.
Click here for more information.
Monroe-Union County Community Development Corporation
MUCCDC offers opportunities for low-income families to fulfill their dreams of home ownership and economic self-sufficiency.
Click here for more information.
*Union County Community Action
Program provides low-income families with the opportunity to become self-sufficient. Case management helps connect clients with resources for employment, housing, food and education. Offers financial assistance across Union, Anson and Richmond counties.
Click here for more information.
*Operation Reach Out
We assist with energy bills, medicine, gasoline and a variety of other needs. We also provide emergency food boxes for those in need.
Click here for more information.
*Union County Crisis Assistance Ministry
Provides emergency financial assistance with electric bills (for Duke Energy Customers), rent and mortgage payments. Also has a food pantry open on Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Click here for more information.
United Way - Union Co.
Serves Union County residents through housing stability, food security, access to health care, childhood literacy and mentoring programs with a special focus on supporting individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Click here for more information.
Union Co. - Crisis/Emergency Assistance
This unit holistically assesses individuals and families who are in crisis to see what services and/or resources may be available to them. This can include assistance with energy bills for heating or air conditioning costs when there is a medical condition that requires regulated temperature in the home.
Click here for more information.
Homeless, Transitional & Day Shelters
*Union Co. Community Shelter
- Adult Emergency Shelter
- Emergency Family Sheltering
- Rapid Rehousing
- Soup Kitchen
- Hope Pantry
(704) 289-5300
Click here for more information.
With Friends
We provide residential shelter care, food, counseling, education, skill building, case management, outreach, follow-up and referral services that focus on positive youth development. Services provided to youth and families in Gaston, Cleveland, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Stanly, Iredell, and Union Counties.
Click here for more information.
Food Pantries, Soup Kitchens and Delivered Meals
*Operation Reach Out
Provides a variety of services including Joseph’s Food Pantry 5 days a week and emergency funds for utilities, gasoline and medicine.
(704) 289-4237
Click here for more information.
Common Heart -- Food Pantry
Click here for more information.
Loaves and Fishes
One of the largest hunger fighting agencies located in Monroe, North Carolina. Food is distributed free of charge to agency certified people of Union County up to three times in a twelve-month period.
Click here for more information.