Every week, Final Harvest Ministries hosts a food pantry, Kingdom Kitchen, with chef-quality hot foods and bag lunches that are all free of cost for neighbors in need.
"The ministry rarely has more than enough, making every donation crucial," said Jonathan Richardson, pastor at Final Harvest Ministries.
Final Harvest Ministries is a religious organization with a unique backstory. In 2005, Richardson and his family closed their successful business, gave away their furniture and sold their three homes to pursue their calling in ministry.
Kingdom Kitchen started out as free dinners for the community on Saturdays. As the ministry grew, Richardson brought the community initiative into apartment and housing complexes so he could connect with ministry members over a free hot meal.
Final Harvest Ministries serves all surrounding communities and sees approximately 50 individuals daily.​ The organization is one of 700 partner agencies that rely on food from Second Harvest Food Bank of Metrolina.
Richardson expressed how important food donations are to keeping the organization's pantry open.
"We plan meals based on the donations received every week," said Richardson. "Donating will make an immediate impact that can be seen and felt in the community."
From April 29 to June 8, you can donate canned or nonperishable food during the 9 Food Drive at any of the following WSOC-TV Family Focus partner locations: Ashley HomeStore, Showmars and E.R. Plumbing Services. Find a donation location near you by clicking on this link.
Because the Food Bank supplies food and essential grocery items to hundreds of agencies, a monetary donation helps all of these organizations. For every $1 the food bank receives, it distributes 7 pounds of food. You can donate now by clicking on this link.
Learn more about the 9 Food Drive at www.9FoodDrive.com.
If your organization or business would like to get involved or help with 9 Food Drive, or you have an inspiring story to share, please email Kevin Campbell, WSOC-TV community affairs manager, at kevin.campbell@wsoctv.com.
Cox Media Group