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Gas lines grow, pumps run dry: 8 tips to max out the fuel you have


Gasoline is running scarce. Lines at the pumps are growing longer.

Here are eight tips from AAA to squeeze as much as you can of the fuel in your tank right now.

  • Accelerate gradually. Avoid jackrabbit starts.
  • Anticipate your stops. When approaching a red light, let your foot off the gas as early as possible.
  • In summer, drive during cooler parts of the day. Cooler, denser air can boost power and mileage.
  • Avoid long warm-ups in the morning. They're unnecessary and waste fuel.
  • Use air conditioning. Today's air conditioners create less drag on the engine than driving with the windows open.
  • Maintain recommended tire pressure. Low pressure reduces fuel economy and can damage tires.
  • Keep the air filter clean. Clogged filters reduce fuel economy and increase exhaust emissions.
  • Drive the speed limit.