
As many as 60 bullets fired into 2 south Charlotte homes, CMPD says


CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Charlotte-Mecklenburg police said someone fired as many as 60 shots into two houses right across the street from each other late Wednesday night.

Police said the shooting is just the latest in a growing trend of violence where shots are fired into occupied homes or cars.

The homes -- one on Fawnbrook Lane and the other on Arrowood Road -- were riddled with bullets around 10:30 p.m.

When Channel 9 arrived, dozens of evidence markers could be seen placed all over the ground.

Police said a woman who lives inside the home on Arrowood showed up at the hospital with a gunshot wound shortly after the drive-by.

Officers said she is not cooperating with their investigation though.

Investigators are not sure yet if the homes were specifically targeted and Channel 9 was there as officers with a search warrant breached the front door of the home on Arrowood Road.

Police had to break down the door because no one was inside that, and police were looking for evidence.

Animal Control had to bring out an aggressive dog that was inside.

Police have made no arrests.

In a news conference Thursday police said there have been 204 of those shootings in 2016, a 50 percent increase over the same time period in 2015.

Major Mike Smathers said many of those shootings have come as the result of ongoing feuds between rival groups or gangs.

“They choose to shoot at each other, and many times shoot at each other  in homes,  and at sometimes in other locations and innocent parties homes are struck as well,” Smathers said. "These types of incidents are incredibly dangerous and pose a tremendous risk, not only to those involved in this activity, but also innocent people could be injured or killed."

Smathers cited one shooting earlier in June in north Charlotte where a bullet came through the wall of a home and hit a child’s crib.

“The crib being struck is obviously just a glaring example of what can go wrong.  If a child had been in that crib we would probably be having a different press conference,” Smathers said.

"To say we're concerned would be an understatement," said CMPD spokesman Rob Tufano.

Check back with wsoctv.com for updates on this story.

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