
'It's OK to be white' KKK flyers posted in Mooresville neighborhood


MOORESVILLE, N.C. — The Mooresville Police Department is investigating alleged KKK flyers posted in the Morrison Plantation neighborhood.

On Wednesday morning, neighbors woke up to signs saying, "It's OK to be white." At the bottom of the flyer was the name "Knight Party" and a link to the KKK's website.

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"I totally think it is very surprising," neighbor Kerri Novack said.

Novack, who moved to the Mooresville neighborhood a couple months ago, said the neighborhood is filled with friendly people of all backgrounds, and added that she has no idea why this would happen.

"We have a bunch of different ethnicities in this neighborhood so I don't see why anyone would target this neighborhood," she said.

The Mooresville Police Department responded to a 911 caller advising them about the posters. When officers responded to the neighborhood, they were advised the caller took the posters down. The case remains under investigation.

The situation has the neighborhood on alert, including 10-year-old Vasanth Dhivakar.

"It's sad," Dhivakar said. "It hurts a lot of people's feelings, too."

The posters started as a meme and the message has been embraced by white supremacists.

Anyone with information about the posters is asked to call the Mooresville Police Department.

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