
Large Confederate flag raised in highly visible area in Burke County


BURKE COUNTY, N.C. — A 20-foot tall, 30-foot long Confederate flag was raised near exit 94 on Interstate 40 on private land over the weekend.

The Sons of Confederate Veterans participated in the flag-raising ceremony over the weekend.

Since the flag is on private property, it can be illuminated after dark.

All this exposure has some residents concerned because it is in a highly visible area.

"It (doesn’t) look good,” resident Tom Hunt said. “There's a lot of people against it and a lot of people for it."

The Sons of Confederate Veterans said they are raising large flags across the area in response to Confederate monuments being taken down.
The flag went up because the Confederate memorial for Gen. Nathan Forrest was taken down last month in Memphis.

The majority of people Channel 9 spoke with Monday didn’t have a problem with the large flag.

"I think it's just a representation of the Southern heritage,” resident Sarah Phillips said. “I don't think it's a bad thing."

"I don't think we should stop believing in our history because it hurts some people's feelings," resident Justin Hall said. "I don't see any problem with it.
I kind of like it."

The Sons of Confederate Veterans said it cost nearly $7,000 to raise the flag and they hope to put one up in every county in North Carolina along I-40.