
Homeowner fired 14 shots at intruders, CMPD says


CHARLOTTE, N.C. — A homeowner is recovering after a home invasion on Woodington Lane in northwest Charlotte.

That homeowner fired 14 shots at the intruders then ran for help, police said.

Witnesses said the man who owns the home crawled out of a small window, slid down a sloped ledge, and injured himself when he fell on the ladder rail on the back of a work truck.

"I said, 'You don't look all right. What's going on?'” a neighbor who saw the homeowner running down the street said. “And he said, 'I need you to call 911. Somebody broke into my house.'"

The neighbor did not want to be identified.

A family member said the man was in the shower when he heard voices of two to three strangers in his house. He thought they intended to rob him.

His cellphone battery died so he grabbed his gun and fired at them, ran to a bedroom and fired one shot through this small closet window to escape.

"He was actually freaking out,” the neighbor said. “He didn't know what else to do."

The call for help brought in a flurry of police activity in the neighborhood.

Concerned loved ones rushed to check on him and his fiancée.

I asked police if the shots hit any of the suspects in the house.

"There was not an overt indication of (anyone shot), but we are checking with area hospitals to see if anyone checks in there with gunshot wounds," Charlotte-Mecklenburg police Capt. Ryan Butler said.

Police said they are also working with the homeowners to learn what if anything was taken.

Police said they still have to canvass the neighborhood and talk neighbors.

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