
Hickory police sergeant indicted after assault accusation


HICKORY, N.C. — A Lincolnton woman said a police officer assaulted her and that former Hickory police sergeant has been indicted by a grand jury.
Eyewitness News reporter Trish Williford dug through the indictment and talked to the woman's attorney Wednesday.
Sgt. Robert George is out of jail Wednesday on $10,000 bond.
Chelsea Doolittle claimed he slammed her to the ground so hard he damaged her teeth.
Doolittle said it started because George didn't like the way she parked her car.
Hickory police fired George in January and on Tuesday, a grand jury handed up an indictment against him on assault charges.
He turned himself in Wednesday.

Doolittle's attorney Brad Smith said she was outside Union Square when George complained about her parking.

He asked for her registration and when she couldn't find it he asked to search her car.

Smith said she questioned George if he had probable cause or a search warrant.

The attorney said George pulled her out of the vehicle and threw her to the ground.
Smith said the officer slammed her face so hard several of her teeth were knocked in and she needed surgery.

Doolittle was still arrested and charged with resisting arrest.

“The lucky thing here is there was a video camera that the officer didn't know about (that) captured everything on video,” Smith said.

Doolittle's attorney said the video led to George's indictment.

Doolittle was also charged with disorderly conduct.

She's due in court in April.

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