
Gastonia woman sentenced for crash that killed girlfriend


In an emotional hearing, a Gastonia woman was sentenced to a year and a half in prison for a crash that killed her girlfriend.

“I lost the love of my life the day of that accident,” defendant Brittany Redeker said.

Redeker cried throughout the hearing as she spoke to the family of the woman she was accused of killing. She expressed not only guilt, but regret.

"There is nothing that I would not do to trade places with her or anything I could give to have her here. It doesn't matter. I would take her place in a heartbeat,” she said.

Redeker and Kaley Falls lived with each other for five years. They planned to marry and were a happy couple until last June.

They had a disagreement that led to a fight while Redeker was driving. The car crashed, and Falls was thrown from the vehicle and killed.

Redeker's blood-alcohol level was nearly twice the legal limit.

A family member told the judge that Falls' donated organs saved the lives of seven people.

Falls' family stood to say goodbye.

"We love you, Kaley," family members said.

They said they feel sorry for Redeker, who accepted a sentence of a year and half in prison.

"Brittany pays for this every day that she wakes up and reaches out and doesn't find that familiar hand to grab hold of,” defense attorney Ron Shook said.

Redeker said the real penalty is that she has lost Falls forever and likely lost Falls’ family, too.

"Losing them and her is harder than any of this realistically is to me right now,” Redeker said.

Redeker also lost her driving privileges. She can petition the DMV in five years to get her license back.

Prosecutors said that is unlikely to happen.

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