
Former Charlotte football star recovering after fracturing neck


WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. — A former football star from Charlotte who was severely injured during practice at Winston-Salem State University is expected to be transported to a rehabilitation facility in Charlotte on Wednesday.

Marquise Gaddy, 18, is a freshman on WSSU’s football team. The former Mallard Creek High School football standout fractured his neck and spine during a tackling drill Thursday. He remains at Winston-Salem Baptist Medical Center and on Tuesday, Gaddy and his parents did a Skype interview with Channel 9 from his hospital bed.

“When we hit they said it was a head-on-head collision,” said Gaddy. “I just remember blacking out and not being able to move.”

Gaddy’s parents said their son has three fractures in his neck, as well as a number of smaller fractures in his spinal cord.  Gaddy has to wear a halo to keep his neck stabilized for the next three months.  He said the accident was the scariest moment of his life and at first brought much grief.

“The first couple of days after the accident I felt like a failure to my family because football, I thought it was over for me,” said Gaddy.

Gaddy said the support of his family and his faith have renewed his strength despite the reality that this accident has potentially ended his college career in football.

“If I’m able to come back and play football that’s great,” said Gaddy. “If I don’t that’s great too. I’m just happy that I’ll be able to walk again and have a regular life.”

Gaddy and his parents said with full conviction he will walk again. Gaddy has already begun physical therapy.

“Maybe football wasn’t my purpose for me in this world,” said Gaddy.  “Maybe, I don’t know, there’s something else.  I’m just happy to be here.”

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“It’s a blessing he’s alive,” said Juan Gaddy, Marquise’s father.  “He will walk again one day. He’s going to run again. He will be better than ever. I promise you that.”

“Make sure you go hard every play because you never know when it’s your last down,” Gaddy said about other football players. “Make every rep count and don’t take what you have for granted.”

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