
Charlotte firefighters rescue dog from frozen pond


Firefighters saved a dog’s life by pulling him from a frozen pond in west Charlotte Thursday.

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — [PHOTOS: Charlotte firefighters rescue dog from frozen pond]

Residents at an apartment complex off Timberbrook Drive called 911 around 3:30 a.m. after they heard the dog barking and whimpering. When rescuers arrived, they found the large Husky/Malamute stuck in the pond after falling through the ice.

Animal Control told Channel 9 no microchip was found on the dog which weighs about 90 pounds. Officials said the animal appeared to be well-fed and cared for but did not have a collar. (WSOCTV.com)

Fire crews managed to pull the dog out of the icy water and brought the animal to the fire department where they helped him warm up.
Animal Control told Channel 9 no microchip was found on the dog which weighs about 90 pounds. Officials said the animal appeared to be well-fed and cared for but did not have a collar.

Fire crews managed to pull the dog out of the icy water and brought the animal to the fire department where they helped him warm up. (WSOCTV.com)

Vet Tech Debbie Jones examined him to make sure his temperature was normal.
"Had a bad night. He's in a weird place right now with weird noises, but so far he's doing really good," she said.
One of the things that saved him was his thick fur.
"He's got the undercoating, which I think helped a lot with the water not getting completely to his skin," Jones explained.
So far, the owner hasn't come forward. Animal control explained that, by law, they must hold the dog for three days before putting him up for adoption.
One of his rescuers has already expressed interest.

[Calls increase for pets left outside in dangerous temperatures]

Animal Control officers will be out in force Thursday, looking for dogs that may be left outside in freezing conditions. Channel 9 tagged along with an officer Wednesday while he checked on pets that were left outside.

Residents at an apartment complex called 911 after they heard the dog barking and whimpering. When rescuers arrived, they found the large Husky/Malamute stuck in the pond after falling through the ice. (WSOCTV.com)

From Dec. 24 through Dec. 29, officers responded to 29 weather-related animal cruelty calls. Over the past five days, those calls spiked to 47 calls.

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