
Family: Two siblings with ties to Raleigh family died in Brussels blasts


RALEIGH, N.C. — A man and his sister who were missing after Tuesday's terror attacks in Brussels, and who were supposed to be in Raleigh Wednesday, died in the attacks, a prominent Raleigh businessman told sister station

Alexander and Sascha Pinczowski, who were Dutch citizens, were in the Brussels airport when the explosion happened, Raleigh resident Jim Cain said.

Cain, whose daughter was engaged to Alexander Pinczowski, issued a statement on behalf of the Pinczowski family Friday morning.

"We received confirmation this morning from Belgian Authorities and the Dutch Embassy of the positive identification of the remains of Alexander and Sascha. We are grateful to have closure on this tragic situation, and are thankful for the thoughts and prayers from all. The Family is in the process of making arrangements," Cain said.

Cain is a former U.S. ambassador to Denmark and former president of the Carolina Hurricanes.

The Pinczowskis were standing at a ticket counter in the Brussels airport when the attacks happened.

The two were talking on the phone to their mother in the Netherlands when the connection went out.