
Family of 19-year-old hit, killed by car hopes others follow her path in faith


MOORESVILLE, N.C. — Parents devastated by the loss of their 19-year-old daughter are hoping her faith will inspire others.

Kristen Huffman died last weekend when she was hit by a car on North Graham Street in uptown Charlotte.

Her parents, who live in Mooresville, are finding comfort in learning just how many lives were touched by their daughter.

“When you can see their life and their story through someone else’s eyes, it's even more beautiful," Paul Huffman said.

Brooke Pierantoni, a friend, said Kristen’s smile was a reflection of her hope no matter the circumstance and that light inspired so many young people.

“She had this overwhelming joy as a person," Pierantoni said.

Kristen was born in an island country near the equator. She had many health problems and was in need of special care.

The Huffmans, who are missionaries, adopted her when she was 16 months old.

Over the years Kristen grew healthy and strong in her faith.

“I was always having to make two trips to the church to take all the kids she invited,” her mother, Julie Huffman, said.

The family created the campaign, "Kristen is alive, because she believed" and their hope is through her death, other teens will learn about God.

The family said Kristen was uptown to visit a friend in need.

No charges have been filed against the driver. Police said the teen wasn't in a crosswalk when she was hit by the car.

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