
Leaked DNC email calls McCrory 'moronic little bigot of a tarheel governor'


CHARLOTTE, N.C. — The website “WikiLeaks” recently released more than 19,000 emails they obtained from the Democratic National Committee.

"North Carolina" is mentioned in 505 of the DNC's leaked emails.

"Charlotte “is mentioned 83 times.

"HB2" and "Pat McCrory" appear in a combined 147 emails.

One email in particular stands out. It shows a senior democratic official refer to Governor McCrory as the "moronic little bigot of a tarheel governor" as he discusses the controversial HB2 with other DNC officials.

Investigative reporter Paul Boyd spoke to Governor McCrory’s campaign spokesman Ricky Diaz by phone Monday.

"Our hearts just sink when we see that kind of language being used. It's unacceptable. You know, it's a shame that Democrats are being politically correct to the public and to the media, but then, when they're behind closed doors, they’re calling Governor McCrory names," Diaz said.

In another series of emails, national democratic officials actually celebrated after the group "Pearl Jam" canceled their concert in North Carolina because of HB2.

Officials eagerly wanted to spread news of the cancelation, writing, "awesome" and "this is great" in an email chain.

The headline of the article they were writing about clearly referenced $60,000 in lost hotel revenue in Raleigh because of the cancelation.

Dave Miranda with the state Democratic Party said officials were not celebrating.

“They're basically saying, ‘Good work, good work, North Carolina Democratic Party, getting the word out there about the damage that this bill is doing,’” Miranda said.

Dallas Woodhouse, the Executive Director of North Carolina's Republican Party, said the emails prove that democrats politicized the issue from the start.

"I think some of the information coming out of the WikiLeaks shows that the other side was determined for there not to be a resolution of this issue because they thought it was good for them politically. No matter the harm," Woodhouse said.

Woodhouse believes they intentionally tried to sabotage the NC economy by pushing for businesses and events to pull out of the state.

“They orchestrated it. They inflicted pain on the people of NC and they celebrated it,” Woodhouse said.

The FBI confirmed Monday that it is actively investigating the hacked Democratic National Committee email case.

The controversy has also taken its toll at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.

There supporters of Bernie Sanders have been seeing booing after other leaked emails showed the DNC favoring the campaign of Hillary Clinton.

In Philadelphia Tuesday, Rep. Alma Adams, (D) 12th district, acknowledged that the email leak has been a distraction but said she hopes the party can move beyond the issue.

“It’s a little bit of a disruption, but we’re not letting that take the shine off of what we know will be a very productive convention,” Adams said.