
Charlotte college, MEDIC provide incentives for EMT students


CHARLOTTE — Students who are learning to be paramedics can have a guaranteed job lined up for them through a program at a Charlotte college.

EMTs and paramedics are usually the first to respond to an emergency, where they have to think quickly to make life-saving decisions. At Central Piedmont Community College (CPCC), Emergency Medical Science students are receiving hands-on training, and get paid while they go through the program.

After graduation, the new EMTs or paramedics begin a guaranteed job with MEDIC to address the staffing gap.

Channel 9′s Gina Esposito attended one of the training classes and spoke with student Madison McGregor, who recently graduated with her psychology degree.

“I thought about doing something like this before, but I had already paid for a degree, and a lot of money and a lot of time went towards that. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to put a lot more money towards another school, so this fell in my lap,” McGregor told Esposito.

>> In the video at the top of the page, Gina Esposito attends class and meets the next generation of paramedics.

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