
Anti-Muslim poster found at UNC Charlotte dorm

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — University of North Carolina-Charlotte officials are investigating after someone posted an anti-Muslim poster in a dorm room.

The poster features a pig on top of a Muslim man appearing to be praying with the text “That’s the way Allah Allah I like it.”

"It takes a cold-hearted person to post something like that," student Johntia Hinesmon said.

School officials said the poster was posted Sunday on a suite door in Wallis Hall. The preliminary investigation showed the students living in the suite are not Muslim.

Since the posting, the Muslim Student Association at UNCC met with top leaders in the school's administration.

The MSA said they are grateful to those who fully support Muslims when these incidents occur.

The director of residence life said if the student is caught, a possible penalty is suspension.

The UNC Charlotte LGBTQ+ Staff and Faculty Caucus released the following statement on the incident:

“In light of a recent Islamophobic poster distributed at Wallis Hall, the LGBTQ+ Staff and Faculty Caucus are writing to reaffirm our support and commitment to all Muslim students at UNC Charlotte and everyone else who has been impacted by this hateful act. The LGBTQ+ Staff and Faculty Caucus also wish to affirm our support and commitment to all students who are reporting and identifying such hateful acts on campus. No student should be penalized for reporting acts of harm, and all students should be encouraged to support one another against xenophobia, racism, and bigotry.”

Statement from Jacklyn A. Simpson, associate vice chancellor for Student Affairs and Director of Housing and Residence Life 

Wallis Hall Residents,

"I am writing this letter in response to an incident that was reported to Housing and Residence Life staff on the afternoon of Sunday, May 7, 2017. This troubling incident was directed towards members of UNC Charlotte's Muslim community. Specifically, a derogatory cartoon image was taped to a fourth floor hallway apartment door.

It saddens me to have to write this message to all Wallis residents due to the actions of what, I hope, are only a few. Wallis is a wonderful community, one that is full of people who have come to this institution to learn and grow. I regret that such an immaturity exists and hope you will join me in working to overcome it.

The Wallis Hall staff and Department of Housing and Residence Life are working in cooperation with the Police and Public Safety to actively investigate this incident. The investigation is ongoing and will result in student conduct charges for the individual(s) involved. Possible sanctions for incidents of this nature may include suspension from the University. If you have any information regarding this or any other incidents anywhere in the building, please contact your Resident Advisor, your Residence Education Coordinator (Colby Englund), the main Housing Office in Scott Hall, or Police and Public Safety. You can even report information anonymously to Police and Public Safety by using the LiveSafe app.

We want this disappointing act to be used as a teachable moment, turning an ugly event into something positive for everyone in the building. You are an important part of the Wallis community, and it can only be as supportive and safe as you help to make it. Take responsibility for your community, and please come forward if you have any information regarding this incident. This is your community and you have an opportunity to shape the experience for yourself and others. As always your Housing and Residence Life staff are here to assist with this effort in any way possible.

It is our goal to stop these types of incidents from occurring in the future. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact Housing and Residence Life.”