
Lockdowns lifted at 2 CMS schools after CMPD investigates armed robbery


CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Lockdowns were lifted at two Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Thursday morning after police investigated an armed robbery in east Charlotte.

Officials told Channel 9 that the police activity had prompted modified lockdowns at both Albemarle Road Elementary and Albemarle Road Middle School.

The schools are near each other, on Riding Trail Road and Democracy Drive.

Classes went on as scheduled, but no one was allowed in or out of the schools. Some parents told Channel 9 they were too afraid to drop of their children.

"It's been scary, you never what could happen. Any second they can be alive and the next second they can't," said Ulises Nunez who was taking his 7-year-old niece to school.

Charlotte-Mecklenburg police said that around 7:30 a.m. someone was robbed by an armed man on Baraway Drive. Police said they have not made any arrests in the robbery case.

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